Meridian Police Department encourages residents to celebrate National Night Out

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By Meridian Police Chief Blake Johnson

Over the past 2 years, COVID-19 has really affected our country. The shutdowns have closed schools, restaurants and retail stores, just to name a few. We have all suffered under this pandemic and most of us know people who have passed due to illness. 

In an effort to claim our lives back, we are looking to bring back events and connect with our community. Events like going to the movies or concerts that we thought were never going to be quite the same again are now becoming everyday events. 

Recently our town has experienced an uptick in COVID-19 cases, reminding us we need to still be careful. For most of my career I have been involved in National Night Out. The NNO is a neighborhood event that encourages all neighbors to get out and meet your community. 

The event started by stepping out on your front porch on a Tuesday night and saying hello to your neighbors. The event has grown into block parties, community events, and city wide kickoff gatherings. 

In an effort to reconnect with our neighbors I would like to encourage you to consider hosting an event with your neighbors. You can go to the national website at for resources and ideas for your event. 

I’d like to point out that Texas recognizes NNO on the first Tuesday in October instead of August like the rest of the country. If you are thinking about having an event on October 4 this year, please contact the Police Department and we will be happy to support your event. 

Getting involved with your neighbors will have a positive effect on crime prevention. This year neighbors reports have helped the Meridian Police Department identify burglars we may not have filed on without your help. Your police department enjoys the support of the community, and we look forward to working with you and your community event.
